Rachel Healy


ARTIST OF: Amy Schwabauer

MIDWIFE OF: Lynn Pace Green


I have a difficult time writing this "about me..." This should be easy right? It's just a bio and hopefully I can re-write later.

I am a country girl from Indiana. At a young age I danced ballet, rehearsing sequences of "Swan Lake," "Peter and the Wolf," or "The Nutcracker" for an audience of cats, chickens, dogs and our horse (Jenny) in our barn. I, in turn, was an audience for them - drawing and painting them with such emotional detail. Listening with my eyes, breathing in the smell of the dewy fields, loving these amazing creatures filled me with purpose.  Around age sixteen, I gave up dancing for other interests but have never forgotten how it made me soar. As my artistic voice grew, storytelling through illustration and design filled me with a new purpose. Out of the Indiana countryside into the big city of Chicago, I received my MFA in costume design from Northwestern University. I honed my storytelling craft by listening to my instincts and developing the clothed character through breath, movement and play. I suppose this is at the root of who I am as an artist…it takes me back to my childhood, in that barn, feeling so free. Storytelling over the past 30 years has filled me with curiosity, wonder and joy and I am eager to discover more.


I have been a freelance theatre designer for almost 30 years. Also I am a university professor, an artist and a puppeteer.  This last 'makers title' always has me tongue tied - I trip over saying it in pleasant passing conversation as if I am in awe of its magical properties (I suppose I AM in awe!).  If I had to be honest...being a puppeteer (making puppets and telling a good story) fills me with a sense of pride, purpose and joy.


Discovering potential, first green of spring, surprise laughter, make-believe, magic, puppetry, poetry inspired by nature, stories passed down from generations, using my hands to create. My website is old but please view rahealy.com for visuals.


I am most interested in delving into devising for children's theatre/puppet theatre, and/or writing/illustrating a children's book.