Serena Collins



Serena (she/her) loves to tell stories. Originally from Iowa cornfields, she found a new home in the Utah mountains while pursuing her education in theatre and comparative literature. Her top two Brene Brown values (if you know, you know) are learning and connection. She recently moved to Chicagoland and lives with her partner, their cat, and more than a few plants. She is inspired by art that asks questions without easy answers and loves a good English-class-style discussion. She is a current teacher-in-training of the Alexander Technique and is an emerging teaching artist.


I make plays and am interested in making MORE of them and to find avenues to further share what I've already begun making. I'm interested in making community and finding new sources of inspiration.


-people moving intuitively together/in harmony - contact improv/dance/movement

-conversations with friends




-night sky

-learning about the human body

-slam poetry

-contemporary art museums


-women lifting heavy ass weights

-toddlers, preschoolers, kindergarteners

-high schoolers ready to change the world

-"flow" state when time warps

-watching someone perform words they wrote


I've just moved to Chicago so I'm most interested in getting inspired--meeting people, seeing shows and other forms of art, thinking big-picture about what I am most passionate about and how I'd like to set up my artistic life here. I'm also interested in putting together some materials surrounding my play, Sympathizer, to present to schools, including a sort of "demo reel," so I want to get re-familarized with video editing. Right now I just really want to put myself out there in ALL ways so I can find creativity and so it can find me.