

ARTISTIC DISCIPLINES: Community Builder, Writer, Cook, Theatre

ARTIST OF: Hillary Catrow

MIDWIFE OF: Katie Hettenbach


Emily currently lives between Chicago and Wisconsin where she writes, makes theatrical experimentations, teaches, and dreams about owning a farm turned arts venue/food co-op/retreat center. 

Her training is in Viola Spolin Theatre Games, Viewpoints, Puppetry, Contact Improv, experimental methods of writing and various forms of music. She is interested in creating work that is saturated in movement, music, and play.

Her work draws from her experience of growing up in small town Wisconsin. It celebrates rural america - its voice, land, dialect, sense of community and the people who carry on the traditions and way of life inherent to living off the land. She is curious about the land we live on, how we are connected to it, the people who lived here before, and how we take care of it for the future. She went to the University of Evansville for her undergrad degree where she studied Theatre, Philosophy, and Religion. Later, she designed her own theatre MFA with the fantastical hippies of Sarah Lawrence College.

She has a dog named Gatsby whom she loves and a husband named Mike who is endlessly patient.


I am inspired by the seasons, by growing things and cooking things. I am inspired by early mornings, when I surprise myself by getting out of bed - and treat myself to slowly drinking tea in the sunroom. I am inspired by trees and the woods, and the spaces and land we return to. And I am inspired by the space we share with others, the time we give to growing relationships and community.


I don't know! I've been dreaming a little about returning to an old piece which is a play... Or I feel very drawn to making something tactile/tangible. I'd like to play around with making picture frames and building little things around the house. I remember several years ago seeing little diorama boxes at an art gallery and I always come back to those for some reason.


land. nature. ancestry. seasons