
ARTIST OF: Raya Carr

MIDWIFE OF: Laura Nessler


Frederick Nitsch is a visual artist and improvisational actor. His current abstract and mixed media paintings are intended to be aesthetically and emotionally disruptive by means of juxtaposing stylistically incongruous elements. As an actor, Frederick performs comedy and also works with a mental health nonprofit, doing mental health crisis role-plays with Chicago's first responders to better prepare them for community support.


I am inspired by colors, and have recently only been painting with the primary colors to see what I can create using only these three.  I am inspired by Rorschach tests and nature/space photography, which are springboards for playful imagination.  I am inspired by street photography wondering about the lives of people I do not know.


I am continuing to explore more conceptual mixed media work while pursuing new, more responsive substrates for my abstract painting.  I have been working on my artist statement about why I’m doing what I’m doing, which is giving me more motivation to continue that work.  I have also begun writing again, something I’ve been afraid of for a long time.