

What do you want the world to know about you?

I am a teacher, writer, experimenter, and collaborator. My background is in theatre directing and new play development. I'm inspired by the unknown of process, the questions and uncertainty of what something will be and the possibility that it will never be finished. I live in Rogers Park, Chicago with my husband and two dogs and while I long for the woods of Wisconsin, I find the city and people and community beautiful.

What do you daydream about?

I dream about owning a farm turned arts venue/food co-op/retreat center. I dream about huge potluck dinners and summer parties. I dream of driving a pickup truck and only wearing overalls and flannel.

What hobbies and interests do you geek out about?

Oh gee, I love to cook - particularly for a lot of people. Garden - especially tomatoes, a homegrown tomato is heaven. I'll talk to you all day about my dogs. My pinterest is all DIY home projects. I'm a bulk grocery shopper and a homemade connoisseur.

What do you do in the Midwives?

As the Founder and Artistic Director of The Midwives, I do a little bit of everything. I plan and implement our programming with our Core Members. I make budgets, fundraise, and think about the future with our Board. I think about mission, values, accessibility, and dream with everyone. I pay people and ask people to pay us. I facilitate programs, create our curriculum, and build our retreats. But overall, I try to build community and relationships.